Shaman: Guardian of Tradition.
Full moon night, a group of women in an eco-spiritual community in the metropolitan area of Salvador / Brazil gathers around a campfire to sing sacred songs, storytelling, drumming, dancing ... In a therapeutic practice in the middle of the city of São Paulo, a woman drums while people lying, eyes closed, seem to live a state of trance in search of images that emerge from the back of their minds ... In a Native American territory, inside a forest a group of professionals from different fields coming from distant places to participate in an ancient ritual of purification: the "sacred sauna" or "sweat lodge" ... In the northern highlands of Italy, a South American shaman goes silently with a group toward a great waterfall to hold a meditative work with the elements of nature ...
A shaman, on the spring equinox, in an archaeological site of the Andean tradition, offers a beverage prepared with a local sacred plant to a group of "foreigners", reviving an ancient ritual of vision questing and healing ... With its own nuances and in many different ways, these actions are repeated in many other parts of Brazil and the world.
Where is it its first origins? What’s the motive? Some common threads seem to link these people together: almost all of them, left urban-modern contexts that prioritize an unbridled pursuit for wealth and comfort materials, and tired of the model of society in which they live in, they seek some sort of re-connection to Mother Nature and themselves.
Seeking (new) meaning to their daily lives, they try to find personal and collective solutions to the many crises that we experience today - ecological, economic, social, of values, among many others - which, in many ways, have become a crisis of humanity itself, accelerating a loss of quality of life on the planet. In this sense, intending to make the "way back" seems to exist in the contemporary world, a rescuing movement of ancient traditions, where its base are the mythical-magical-religious marks left by the ancient people in their attempts to understand the intricate network linking humans to nature and the universe.
To Be Continued …
This section is aimed to spread Shaman Alba Maria's guidances and Shamanic Wisdom following the lineage of the Mother Goddess. The Shaman's wisdom echoes in our hearts whilst we try to keep this sacred inner flame alive and the drum beating with the determination of a warrior, all of us contemporary shamanic warriors who not only travel through diverse parallel realities and extra-dimensional portals but also commute on a busy city's underground and keep the spiral of consciousness whirling upwards even when surrounded by concrete jungles and mechanical expressions.
Her voice sings sweetly but surely, " We are colourful beings, let's paint the world! "

Prayer To the Great Mother!
Our mother who is in the sky, the earth, and everywhere,
Blessed is your beauty and your abundance,
Bring to our hearts the key which opens the portal of Love,
May each one of us respect every being's path and
The exercise of forgiveness become part of our existence,
May we welcome at our table those
Whom want to share with us the sacred food,
Our mother who is in the sky, the earth, and everywhere,
May the greater Purpose guide our steps,
And the beat of our hearts unite with the heartbeat of the Earth,
So we may pulsate as a single rhythm,
May the stars guide us through the dark nights,
And the sun shine brightly on our bodies,
Hey Great Spirit,
Hey Great Mother,
Hey Shaman!
YouTube Video: Prayer to the Great Mother.
Dear Friend Earth,
My Mother, my love, one day I shall return to you: Now I take life from you to nourish me. The day will come when You will be nourished by me and on this day, Great Mother, I want to be ready to, so lovingly, return to the One, whom has been carrying me in her womb.
(Alba Maria – Shamanic Prayers, page 69, ed. Kalango)
Earth Mantra:
Hey a Hey a Hey a Hey a 2x (upward tone)
Hey a Hey a Hey a He 2x (downward tone)
Dear Friend Water,
May I know how to delight myself in your loving and penetrating cells. May the joy of your whispers embrace my inner being and may I, on your shores, clear my real vision and discover my true purpose in this space of time called life.
Divine Water, purify my being, cleanse my cells, renew each inner river of mine, circulating inside of me are your love and crystalline light. And So It Is.
(Alba Maria -
The voice of the Four Elements)
Water Mantra:
Water Mantra:
Ha e Ha e Ha e Ha e Ha e
Ha e Ha e
Ha e Ha e Ha e Ha e Ha e.
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