Terra Mirim
1. How does Terra Mirim work?

It works autonomously, without formal ties to any religious, political or social institutions; it is maintained by its body of volunteers, residents and non-residents of Terra Mirim whom collaborate to the movement by donating their hours of service, developing and executing projects as well as promoting institutional campaigns. 

2. How's its physical structure?

We have a large main house where the reception, administrative and financial area, kitchen and dining room are located, there are rooms and cottages where people are hosted, spaces for rent which holds up to 120 people, covered temples for meditation: original temple and house of the masters and outdoors sacred spaces dedicated to the Four Elements of Nature and lots of green area.

3. Is T.M. a commercial point, where can I stay?

Terra Mirim is not a commercial centre, it is rather a community that houses a nonprofit institution which provides services to the local villages. One form of sustainability is to welcome people who collaborate to the movement by contributing financially and participating in everyday activities.

4. What’s the line of work at T.M.?

Our line is shamanism, we have this ancient tradition as our philosophy and way of life. Our shamanism is unique as it grew out of our way of living, in which our grandparents and mentors are the Four Elements and our greatest master is the Mother Goddess represented here on Earth as Nature.

5. What will I find as cultural customs?

You will come across a way of life where nature is the center of everything; here we plant what we eat, we sit around the campfire, play drums, wear field clothes, take off our shoes before entering the spaces, wash our own dishes after meals, sing and celebrate the food, we return to our homes on early evening and wake up also early for our practices, we have developed a style of living where the goal is towards light, that is, the pursuit of awareness in daily life.

6. What are the communities linked to T.M?

We’ve known many communities across these years of work and some of them we identify a little more: the Mexican community Alberto Ruz, the Artisans of Peru, Matutu in Minas Gerais - Brazil, Damanhur in Italy & Tamera in Portugal.

7. Who are the owners of Terra Mirim?

Terra Mirim has absolutely no owners, it has Shaman Alba Maria as its founder and first visionary as well as many other dreamers who live here and believe in this way of living, communally we realize the Dream.

8. What is the local lineage of spirituality?

We are religious in the sense of the term, which is the re-connection with the divine, but we have no connection with institutional religion and / or sects.

9. What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is a way of living, a practice which has nature as the primary Master and the Mother Goddess as a guide and source.

10. I have another religion. Can I attend Terra Mirim?

Any religion is welcome, religion can not be used to separate, but to unite as they all seek or should seek the Light.

11. What does T.M. do for the environment? 

Numerous projects and actions. We have planted more than 50,000 trees here in our Itamboatá Valley. We have ministered dozens of educational courses about environment awareness and actions to the population, successful manifestations and actions to prevent the implementation of tollway and duplication of the highway which would further destroy the local reserve, thus enabling an awakening of the villages towards the environment and its current critical situation in the area, we have managed to demonstrate the importance of our water sources/supplies to the governmental authorities ... Anyway, numerous things have been achieved over the last two decades of daily struggles and dedication.

12. Is there wildlife in T.M.?

Where there is forest, there are animals. We can safely say that here are snakes, spiders, armadillos, pacas, sloths, monkeys, birds, ants, frogs, lizards and geckos, salamanders, turtles, etc. But we can ensure that usually these animals are in their own habitat, therefore respecting our place of residence.

13. How does the ecological school work? Is it free for any child to study?

The school is for supplementary education, teaching children to dream and to believe in their dreams. Learning from Nature is its methodological principle, where we learn experiencing the Four Elements and respecting all beings welcomed and generated by Nature. The school is open to any child whose parents are free and aimed for Peace and Light.

14. Why are there prices to join some of Terra Mirim activities? Why is it not all free?

Because the institution needs to live independently and sustainably, without only relying on donations, or binding itself to corporations/ institutions that do not commune with Terra Mirim’s ground values. But it is important to realize that there are plenty of free ongoing activities available, for which anyone and everyone can participate without any charge.

15. Can I consume alcohol or cigarettes in Terra Mirim?

Alcohol absolutely not and cigarette only in our smoking area, a designated place for such activity.

16. What is the campaign "I live the dream"? What will I gain in exchange for the donation?

This campaign is one way we have created to support the sustainability of this Light movement on the planet. Our movement aims towards light, understood as awareness and awakening of the inner being of each person. But keeping this kind of movement alive on the planet is not an easy task because it goes against an institutionalized system (which, we as humanity created) where manipulation and superficial desires are perceived as the source of life. The worship of three earthly powers - sex, power and money - are the goals and for them to be achieved no difficulty is measured, canceling out values and forgetting ethics. And that's too wicked! Those that seek to do something different are persecuted, slandered and punished to serve as an example to others who want to build solidarity movements such as communities, centers of light etc ... there are no real stimulus for the development of this type of actions. Thus we ought to create and continue to survive without selling ourselves and being forever submitted. Additionally from being part of this network of light and cosmic healing  you’ll also be able to participate in some activities with special discounts.

17. How do I become a collaborator of Terra Mirim? May I only contribute financially, since I have no time to participate in activities?

Yes, to become a financial contributor one must express their will in writing (email) to administrar@terramirim.org.br or journeyshamans@gmail.com (English) in order to receive the further guidance on how to proceed. We consider it important that you follow how these resources are being spent on the projects and periodically check our website for current news about the latest actions. Until you find the time to take advantage of the spaces of light and peace of Terra Mirim.

18. Is there daily meditation?

The meditation temple is permanently available to all who are here. The meditation schedule which is part of daily pace are at 6am, 11:45am and 6pm. Every Saturday there is meditation and sharing circle with Shaman Alba Maria. All meditations are free of charge.

19. How can I become a volunteer at Terra Mirim? Can I exchange my work for my stay? I don’t have resources to afford my time in T.M.

Please, contact us by filling out a registration form and scheduling an interview with the coordinator of the Volunteer Program. Trading 100% of costs for service is not available. Currently, upon the value of 01 months’ stay, there is the possibility of complementing the costs through service oriented by T. M.’s professionals.

20. When in Terra Mirim, may I have an individual meeting with Shaman Alba Maria? How do I book?

Yes, you can have an individual meeting with the Shaman. Scheduling is done directly with her -xamaalbamaria@gmail.com. Normally, she can be seen taking part in the general daily activities of Terra Mirim.

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