Terra Mirim
Terra Mirim Foundation & Shamanic Community is a 23-year-old, intentional movement. Located in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, the capital of Bahia, in the north-eastern part of Brazil. Terra Mirim as an ever-evolving communitarian movement works to transform the reality of the territory where it is located, thus also being a place of planetary healing in action. It is based upon the ancient Shamanic tradition of the people of the Earth, and through its experience has developed a methodology known as Integrative Ecology, in which a conscious unity between humanity and the planet is recognised as a fundamental principle to be lived for a healthy humanity and planet. In Integrative Ecology people learn to re-integrate nature inside and outside through deep contact and relation with the four sacred elements (earth, water, fire, air) to the four dimensions of being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. In fact, according to the Tradition of the Great Mother the healing of the planet is interdependent with the healing of the human being. The work in the external territory starts with the work over oneself and, beyond theory, Terra Mirim’s socio-environmental methodology brings value to action and to the ever growing learning spiral which comes as a result of being its own actions.
Over the last two decades, Terra Mirim has developed a diverse range of social and environmental services and programs (see example below) aimed to stimulate human emancipation, care for the Earth whilst empowering the people from the surrounding Valley as well as, before all, remaining a Shamanic Centre of Light and School for numerous seekers who tirelessly arrive from several lands across the world, searching for a meaningful and conscious possible way of living and honouring our Mother Earth, learning with the guidance of ShamAM Alba Maria to dive deeply into ourselves, dreams, shadows and highest purpose. In Terra Mirim everyday a precious lesson is offered to be learned and honoured - where an invisible thread is weaved from the stars to our innermost sacred core.
More Pictures: Terra Mirim's Flickr
Info: journeyshamans@gmail.com
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